The big picture: The beauty and personal industry is united in its commitment to promote transparency around its products and ingredients. We believe everyone deserves to know – and understand – what’s in all of their favorite cosmetics and personal care products.
Industry’s commitment: PCPC supported the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA), which passed with bipartisan support and was signed into law by President Biden. Our industry has long advocated in favor of updates to federal regulation of our sector. As a result of this new law, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is better able to collect and monitor detailed information about ingredients, safety, manufacturing and other components of the cosmetic production process. MoCRA builds on existing protections that help maintain clear communication and transparency between the cosmetics industry and consumers.
- Under MoCRA, all cosmetics, as well as the facilities where they are manufactured, are registered directly with the FDA. Additionally, MoCRA creates new labeling requirements to ensure consistency among cosmetics packaging and the information conveyed to consumers – such as increased allergen listings and who to contact in the case of an adverse event.
- Pre-existing requirements remain in place as well. Under the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA), all beauty and personal care products companies must disclose certain information on products sold at retail: declaration of ingredients; statement of identity; net weight; directions for use; and name and location of the manufacturer, packer or distributor.
- Since 1967, this regulation dramatically enhanced consumers’ right to know what’s in the products they use and trust, and allows them to make informed decisions to suit the needs of their family and lifestyle.
- PCPC and our member companies have long supported extending FPLA label requirements beyond products sold at retail to include “professional-use” products in salons, including advocating for legislation to this effect in California.
- The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) has taken a series of voluntary steps to enhance transparency on ingredients used in fragrances supplied to consumer goods manufacturers, including the cosmetics and personal care products industry. The IFRA Transparency List sets out the ‘palette’ of ingredients use.
PCPC’s role:
- PCPC continues to engage with the FDA regarding effective implementation of MoCRA to help ensure industry requirements are practical and enforceable.
- PCPC continues to advocate for effective state laws in response to increasing consumer demand for greater transparency.